Dorothy McElhinney Middle School resides in the Murrieta Valley Unified School District. It currently services approximately 1200 students, of which a fourth of that population participates in the Music Department performance groups. Annual budget cuts to education have consistently hurt the Arts programs in our schools. As a result, we need to raise a minimum of $50,000 each year to provide instruments, music, equipment, travel expenses, uniforms, props, competition fees, and much more for our deserving music students. Our program boasts some of the finest middle school students in Riverside County. Most of our members carry an advanced class schedule and are very involved with community service projects. 75% of our music students have a GPA of 3.0 and higher. That's incredible. Our Music Department has numerous fundraisers scheduled throughout the year; however, sponsors are needed to supplement the best education for the students. Here is a list of items which are still desperately needed and we hope to purchase this year. It takes TEAMWORK to have a successful music program. Our team consists of dedicated students, committed parents, a generous community of sponsors, and dedicated Music Directors with an incredible team of Coaches. Our Crimson Colts have the desire to represent their school with top level performances in all their community showcases and competitions. Thank you for your consideration in partnering with us.


Platinum: $2500
  • Company Banner displayed at each event
  • Announcement of Company Name and slogan at each event
  • Appreciation certificate for you to display community involvement
  • Mention at all Drum Line and Color Guard Competitions
  • Free advertisement on website and selective communication with parents
  • Gold: $1500
  • Announcement of Company Name and slogan at each event
  • Appreciation certificate for you to display community involvement
  • Mention at all Drum Line and Color Guard Competitions
  • Free advertisement on website and selective communication with parents
  • Silver: $1000
  • Appreciation certificate for you to display community involvement
  • Mention at all Drum Line and Color Guard Competitions
  • Free advertisement on website and selective communication with parents
  • Bronze: $500
  • Mention at all Drum Line and Color Guard Competitions
  • Free advertisement on website and selective communication with parents
  • Sponsorship Application
    Click here to get Started

    * The Dorothy McElhinney Band Boosters are a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization, Tax ID #46-1934869. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Dorothy McElhinney Band Boosters, 29910 Murrieta Hot Springs Rd. Ste G #408, Murrieta, CA. 92563-3815.
    * Your participation level is guaranteed from the first day until the last day of the MVUSD 2024-25 school year.
    * Any Company Logos must conform to instructions received commensurate to entering any donation agreement and receive MVUSD approval for inclusion in any event, displayed on any property, or in any electronic communication belonging to or sponsored by MVUSD.


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    Click here to learn more


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